Why the groom should not see the bride in a dress before the wedding

In many nations, it is customary to consider a wedding dress to be a special symbol, and not just a beautiful woman’s outfit. Therefore, many signs and superstitions are associated with the dress and the wedding day itself. According to one of them, the groom is not allowed to see his bride in her festive attire before the wedding.

But how rational is this sign? What do modern newlyweds think about this? Let's discuss this interesting question together.

History of the origin of the sign

Many brides who buy a dress on the website https://ariamobridal.com/ want to quickly show it to their chosen one, and also show off in front of the guests at the wedding. Most often, the bride chooses a dress on her own, or accompanied by her girlfriends or mother. That is, many people see the dress and the bride in this outfit in advance. So why can't the groom?

According to old superstitions, the groom was not allowed to see the bride in her wedding dress, since this could cause the marriage to break up very quickly. People were sure that such a meeting before the wedding would lead to quarrels and disagreements.

Until now, brides who do not consider themselves superstitious still do not want to take risks and try to keep their wedding image a secret from their future husband.

Modern view of the situation

Modern priests and psychologists are absolutely sure that this is just a superstition, in which there is no rational link. If there is a disagreement between a girl and a guy, such a marriage cannot exist for long under any circumstances. And the reason for the separation will definitely not be that the groom saw the bride in a wedding dress. If there is real and sincere love in the family, then no signs can affect their relationship.

It's important to understand another fundamental thing that often makes brides reluctant to show their wedding dresses to their grooms. Men by nature have a harder time giving up their freedom. Even if he lives permanently and is in a relationship with a girl, a wedding is a very serious step.

When living together, a man gets used to the image of his beloved. But on the wedding day she appears before him in a completely different form. This allows a man to look at his chosen one with different eyes, admire and admire her. Therefore, it is right to allow the moment of the first meeting of the bride and groom in a wedding dress to be unforgettable. In this case, it makes sense to be patient and not show off your wedding image. Such reasons are more rational and correct. But to believe in omens or not is everyone’s personal choice.